Lotus are seasonal plants and can only be planted
in the spring unlike waterlilies and other pond plants.
We will ship Lotus tubers with instructions about 2-3 weeks before your proper planting time to ensure a great season!
LOTUSÂ ship from Mid March until May based on your location
Pots should be 14" to 20" wide with 2 to 5 inches of water above the roots at all time, more can drown or inhibit growth of small varieties. Lotus enjoy as much sun as possible and will not tolerate fertilizer before 1 or 2 leaves stand above the water. Begin fertilizer slowly and after many leaves it can increase a bit. We prefer pond tabbs with lotus. Soil can be calcined clay, heavy loam topsoil, or a little natural clay with a light topsoil. Don't use anything too organic that is going to break down or float.