Sold Out $ 53.00
RED MORNING CLOUD LOTUS is a charming bowl lotus with delightful soft red blooms. Perfect for containers or small tubs. This little lotus blooms often throughout the summer.
Planting Instructions
Lotus tubers should be planted in the month of May, after all danger of frost has passed. (Lotus can be stored in the crisper of your refrigerator until proper planting time in your area). Plant in wide, (16-30 inches or wider), shallow container using heavy loam soil. Dig a trench in the soil and place your lotus tuber in the trench, being careful not to break or damage the growth tips. Cover the tuber with soil while leaving the growth tips exposed. Add 2-4" of water above the surface of the pot. Place in full sun and fertilize AFTER you have two aerial leaves growing out of the water.
Fertilizing Instructions
Lotus are very heavy feeders. We recommend Waterlily World Fertilizer Tabbs + Humates for optimum growth, best bloom and ease of use. Simply press the fertilizer tabbs into the soil near the roots of your lotus, taking care not to damage the roots. Do this each month throughout the growing/blooming season, June through September. Your lotus will grow and bloom the very first year!
Category: Double, Dwarf, Medium, versicolor
Type: Dwarf-Medium Lotus
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