Sold Out $ 53.00
Princess Ellen Of Ten Mile Creek Lotus is simply pink perfection with beautifully shaped, lively-pink blooms! Multiple flowers on this lovely specimen along with attractive green foliage. Princess Ellen Of Ten MIle Creek is a HEAVY BLOOMER!
Lotus Planting Instructions
Perfect for containers on your deck or patio! In warm weather when days and nights are consistently warm and danger of frost has passed, plant lotus tuber in large, wide, shallow container using loam soil or aquatic planting medium.To plant your lotus, make a trench in the soil and place your lotus tuber in the trench being careful not to bruise the tuber or break the growth tips. Keep growth tips exposed and add 2-4 inches of water over soil. Place in full sun, outdoors. (8 to 12 hours of sunlight daily.)
In a week or two you will have coin leaves on the surface of the water DO NOT FERTILIZE until you have aerial leaves growing out of the water.
Lotus Fertilizing Instructions
Once you have aerial leaves, fertilize monthly during the growing/blooming season. We recommend and sell Waterlily World Fertilizer Tabs. We recommend them for vigorous plant growth, best bloom and ease of use. Simply press the fertilizer tabs into the soil near the roots of your lotus plants, taking care not to damage the roots.
Please see our 'Complete Lotus Guide' included with your lotus purchase.
Category: Double, Heavy-Bloomer, Pink, Tall
Type: Dwarf-Medium Lotus
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