Sold Out $ 53.00
Lotus Plant Description
Little Dancing Empress Lotus (Nishang Xiaoqu 13 C)
Little Dancing Empress Lotus has ruffled petals in shades of sweet-pink that form cherubic blooms on this delightful, little specimen. The petaloid centers are often pink and green, adding interest to this smaller lotus hybrid. Little Dancing Empress Lotus is an excellent choice for decorative containers on your patio! HEAVY BLOOMER and EARLY BLOOMER!
Lotus Planting Instructions
Plant this dwarf variety in a wide (16-20 inches wide), shallow container using heavy loam soil. Dig a trench across the surface of the soil and place the lotus tuber in the trench, being careful not to damage the growth tips. Cover all but the growth tips with an inch of soil and gently add two inches of water above the soil. Place in an area where the container will receive at least 8 hours of sunlight per day. DO NOT FERTILIZE! In a week or two you will have coin leaves on the surface of the water, after that you will have aerial leaves growing out of the water.
Lotus Fertilizing Instructions
Once you have aerial leaves, you may fertilize your lotus. We recommend that you feed your lotus Waterlily World Fertilizer Tabs, once a month, during the growing blooming season, (June through September). Simply push the fertilizer tabs an inch or two into the soil around the roots of your lotus, being careful not to damage the roots.
Please see our 'Complete Lotus Guide' included with your lotus purchase!
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