Sold Out $ 53.00
Lotus Plant Description
Hindu White Lotus is a tall, attractive, classic, single-petal, sacred lotus. The large blooms on this sacred lotus plant are light-yellow and open wide to welcome all who come to your water garden setting!The yellow-green receptacles and dark-green foliage complement this sacred lotus nicely. The flowers are held above the foliage on this dependable, sacred lotus plant.
Lotus Planting Instructions
Plant your sacred lotus tuber in a wide, shallow container using loam soil. Use a container that is 24 - 48 inches wide or wider. Fill the container 2/3 full with loam soil, dig a shallow trench in the soil and gently place the lotus tuber in the trench. Cover all but the growth tips with an inch or two of soil and gently add 4 - 6 inches of water above the soil. Place the container in full sun outdoors (8 - 12 hours of sunlight daily). Once your lotus plant has aerial leaves, it is time to fertilize your lotus plant.
Lotus Fertilizing Instructions
Fertilize your lotus plant monthly once plant is established. We recommend Waterlily World Fertilizer Tabs. Simply press the tabs into the soil near the roots of your lotus plant, taking care not to damage the roots. Fertilize once a month (June through September).
*Large lotus specimens are often used for edible vegetable crops rather than as ornamental flowers. Lotus tubers are included in some Indian dishes and recipes. If planting this lotus as an edible vegetable, rather than an ornamental flower, you must plant it in a shallow pond, NOT a container. Edible tubers must reach 2 - 4 inches in diameter for cooking purposes.
Please see our 'Complete Lotus Guide' included with your lotus purchase!
Category: Single, Tall, Yellow
Type: Medium-Tall Lotus
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