Sold Out $ 53.00
Lotus Plant Description
SPACE LOTUS 36 Lotus is out of this world! A Chinese experiment took this lotus seed to outer space to see what effect no gravity would have on the seeds and plants. Space Lotus 36 Lotus is tall and stately with classic, single-petal flowers that can grow to 5 feet tall! Simply outstanding, big, beautiful flowers in shades of cotton-candy pink on petal tips, buttery-yellow color on the inner petals with bright-yellow anthers and receptacles. Handsome green foliage is the perfect complement to this amazing lotus specimen! The seed pods on Space Lotus 36 Lotus are big and beautiful as well! Space Lotus 36 Lotus has it all!!
Lotus Planting Instructions
Plant in a large, wide (24 - 48 inches wide, or wider), deep, no holes container using heavy loam soil. Fill your container 2/3 full with loam soil and dig a shallow trench across the surface of the soil. Place the lotus tuber in the trench and cover all but the growth tips with an inch or two of soil, leaving the growth tips exposed. Gently add 6 inches of water over tuber and place in a sunny area outdoors where your lotus will receive 8 - 12 hours of sunlight daily. Fertilize monthly AFTER you have two aerial leaves growing out of the water. (Give this variety plenty of room to grow!)
Lotus Fertilizing Instructions
Once you have aerial leaves, fertilize monthly from June through September, with 'Waterlily World Fertilizer Tabs' for best bloom, optimum growth and ease of use. Simply press 4 - 5 tabs into the soil each month, from June through September, taking care not to damage the roots of your lotus plants.
*Lotus is often grown as an edible vegetable as well as an ornamental flower. When planting as a vegetable, plant in a large, shallow pond rather than a container. The tubers must reach 2 - 4" inches in diameter for cooking purposes. Lotus is included in many recipes from China, Thailand and Vietnam.
*Please see our article in Pond Trade Magazine, "Whet Your Appetite With Edible Pond Plants" for more information on edible lotus tubers.
Type: Medium-Tall Lotus
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