Sold Out $ 53.00
Plant Description
Jianxuan 17 Lotus produces incredible, LARGE, single -petal flowers on this EARLY BLOOMING, tall lotus specimen that bloom from June through September. Flowers change colors as if by magic! First day flowers are a shade of dark-pink, second day flowers are pink and white and third day flowers are simply white! Jianxuan 17 Lotus also produces plentiful quantities of seeds--one of the very best seed producers in China! The seeds make a nutritious, healthy snack that contain vitamins and nutrients, and are a wholesome treat for the whole family. TOP SEED PRODUCER! HEAVY BLOOMER!
Planting Instructions
Plant this tall specimen in a wide (30-48 inches or wider), shallow container using heavy loam soil. Dig a trench across the top of the soil and place your lotus tuber in the trench, keeping the growth tips pointed up. Cover all of the tuber except the growth tips, leaving them exposed. Gently add 4-6 inches of water over the soil and place your container in full sun (8+ hours). DO NOT FERTILIZE. In a week or two you will have coin leaves growing on the surface of the water, soon you will have aerial leaves growing out of the water.
Fertilizing Instructions
Once your aerial leaves are growing out of the water, you may fertilize your lotus with 4-6 fertilizer tabs every month throughout the growing/blooming season (June through September).
Type: Medium-Tall Lotus
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