Sold Out $ 53.00
Lotus Plant Description
Dunhuang Red Lotus is a beautiful, tall lotus plant with huge, open airy blooms! 1st day flowers are rich-pink, each day after the color is a lighter pink and the lotus flowers take on a luminous glow! This lotus grows in, was named for, a city in the Gansu Province in the Western Region of China. Dunhuang Red Lotus grows four feet tall and looks beautiful in containers or in the shallow area of your pond.
Lotus Planting Instructions
Tall lotus should be planted in wide, shallow containers (24 - 48 inches wide) or wider. Using loam soil, fill your lotus container 2/3 full with loam soil. Dig a trench on the surface of the soil and place your lotus tuber in the trench. Add four to six inches of water above the soil and place the lotus container in a sunny area outdoors (8 - 12 hours of sunlight daily.
Lotus Fertilizing Instructions
Fertilize your lotus plant once aerial leaves begin to grow out of the water. We recommend Waterlily World Fertilizer Tabs for optimum growth, best bloom and ease of use.
Please see our 'Complete Lotus Guide' included with your lotus purchase!
Type: Medium-Tall Lotus
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