Sold Out $ 53.00
Fire Red Lotus (Frie Hong)
Plant Description
Fire Red Lotus is a lively little gem drenched with bright-red color! This splendid hybrid grows to 18 inches tall when planted in 20 inch in diameter containers. The emerald-green foliage is complemented with lovely, bright-red single petal blooms on this Exquisite Of Bowl variety.
Exquisite Of Bowl
Single Petal
Planting Instructions
Plant your lotus tuber in a wide, shallow, no holes container using loam soil. Container should be 11 - 16 inches in diameter or wider. Fill your container 2/3 full with loam soil. Dig a shallow trench in the surface of the soil and gently place your tuber in the trench. Cover all but the growth tips in soil, leaving the growth tips exposed. Gently add 2 inches of water above the soil. DO NOT fertilize until you have aerial leaves growing out of the container.
Fertilizing Instructions
Once you have aerial leaves you may begin to fertilize your lotus. Start by adding one slow release fertilizer tab to the soil of your lotus container. Do this once each month throughout the growing / blooming season. The second month you may add two fertilizer tabs to the soil. Simply press the fertilizer tabs into the soil near the roots of your lotus plant, taking care not to damage the roots.
*We use, recommend and sell Waterlily World Fertilizer Tabs for all of our aquatic plants at
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