Sold Out $ 53.00
Lotus Plant Description
Cranberry Kiss Lotus is an elegant, sacred lotus with pure white petals and rosy-red kissed petaltips.Golden receptacles and stamens add a regal touch to this lovely lotus plant! Cranberry Kiss Lotus is a DEPENDABLE BLOOMER with attractive seed pods and foliage. Cranberry Kiss Lotus is a CUSTOMER FAVORITE AND ALWAYS A SELLOUT!
Lotus Planting Instructions
Plant your lotus tuber in heavy loam soil in a very wide, shallow pot with 4 - 6" of water over top of pot. Lotus plants need 8+ hours of sunlight per day to grow and bloom.
Lotus Fertilizing Instructions
Fertilize monthly once lotus plant is established with two aerial leaves growing out of the water. We recommend Waterlily World Fertilizer Tabs for optimum growth, best bloom and ease of use. Simply press the fertilizer tabs into the soil near the roots of the lotus plants, taking care not to damage the roots. Fertilize during the growing/blooming season, June through September, making the final fertilizer application in early September. This will allow your sacred lotus plant to go into dormancy naturally.
Please see our 'Complete Lotus Growing Guide' included with your sacred lotus order.
*Since this is a large lotus specimen, some customers may choose to grow this as an edible vegetable, rather than an ornamental flower. When planting as a vegetable, you must plant in large, shallow ponds, not containers. The tubers must reach 2-4" in diameter for edible vegetables.
Go to our 'How To Grow Lotus As An Edible Vegetable' for complete instructions
Category: Single, Tall, versicolor, white
Type: Medium-Tall Lotus
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