Posted on April 17, 2017 by Freelancer1 Test
A lotus does not need a pond to grow. All that is necessary is a no holes container and a few inches of water above the soil. The smaller varieties need only a couple of inches above the soil, whereas the larger varieties that can grow to 5' tall, will need 8-10" of water above the soil. Remember to add water to your lotus container as it evaporates. Lotus will have quite an uptake of water as well, so keep an eye on the water level! Lotus are transpirational and take up quite a lot of water, their umbrella-like leaves prevent rain from entering the lotus pot.
Should your water become oily or cloudy, simply and carefully drain the old water and add fresh water. Once the lotus begins to grow, your water will clear.
When selecting a container for your lotus, make sure that it does not have any holes as you will need to keep water above the soil. Also, when choosing a large variety of lotus, make sure your pot is not only wide enough, but deep enough as well so that a strong wind won't blow it over.
Follow our planting instructions on "How to Grow Lotus" on this site.
Lotus should be planted outdoors, in warm weather, by May 15th. Always place your lotus in a sunny location (6+ hours of direct sunlight) and never fertilize until you have aerial leaves growing out of the water.
Plant your lotus in heavy loam soil, in a round container, and place in full sun. When planting your lotus tuber, place your tuner on the top of the soil and place and inch soil over the tuber, but keep the growth tips exposed and be careful not to break the growth tips!
Gently add water to the soil until you have the desired amount of water over the tuber.
You may place your lotus container in the pond once it is established or place it on your deck or patio in a sunny location. Always start your lotus outdoors, if possible, as it will be much stronger. Lotus started indoors can be weak, or die from lack of strong sunlight.
In a week or so you will have coin leaves on the surface of the water. DO NOT FERTILIZE until you have two or three aerial leaves growing out of the water. Fertilize monthly as lotus are very heavy feeders!
Once your lotus begin to grow, you should get buds and blooms by mid summer until frost.
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