Just as the ancient Egyptians used the waterlily as a symbol of light overcoming darkness, with the waterlily flower rising from the darkness of the water into the sunlight. The waterlily was linked to the rising and setting of the sun.
The Sacred Lotus has been at the heart of spiritual beliefs in the East and has been woven into its' history as well. The Sacred Lotus grows from the mud and out of the water, while the lotus itself remains clean, reaching for the sky with its flowers in the bright, warm rays of the sun. Most lotus flowers close by evening and open again with the rays of the morning sun.
From ancient times until this day, Hindus and Buddhists revere the Sacred Lotus, and throughout history, lotus blooms can be seen carved on historic tombs, buildings, statues, paintings, relics and temples. Reference has been made to the lotus throughout history in cultures in India, Persia, Egypt, Assyria and Greece. Asian cultures have made reference to the lotus as well. To this day, lotus flowers are considered sacred offerings in temples around the world. The Sacred Lotus has had a place in history for centuries.
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