Sold Out $ 53.00
Lotus Plant Description
Golden Autumn Lotus has radiant, light yellow to white, multi petal flowers that BLOOM EARLY AND OFTEN! This stunning, sacred lotus has full, lush flowers with high petal count and are simply magnificent! The outer petals are much longer than the shorter, inner petals, giving this lotus flower a unique appearance! Green bubbled carpels and attractive green foliage makes the perfect complement for this sacred lotus plant. . Receptacles on the Golden Autumn Lotus are green later in the summer. Golden Autumn Lotus is a real gem for your container garden on deck or patio
Light Yellow
Lotus Planting Instructions
Plant in medium sized, wide container using heavy loam soil and keeping the growth tips exposed. Add an inch or two of water above the soil and place in full sun. Always replace water that has evaporated. Soon coin leaves will appear on the surface of the water, a week or two after the coin leaves you should have aerial leaves growing out of the water. Once you have aerial leaves, it is time to fertilize your lotus.
Lotus Fertilizing Instructions
Lotus plants are very heavy feeders. We recommend Waterlily World Fertilizer Tabs + Humates for optimum growth, best bloom and ease of use. Simple press three fertilizer tabs into the soil near the roots of your lotus, being careful not to damage the roots. Do this once a month throughout the growing/blooming season (June through September). Your lotus should grow and bloom the very first year!
Category: Double, Early-Bloomer, Light Yellow, Medium, Tall, white
Type: Medium-Tall Lotus
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