Sold Out $ 53.00
Lotus Plant Description
Red Light 15 Lotus has long red buds that open to stunning, red blooms on this small bowl lotus. The vibrant red color stays red each day! Red Light 15 Lotus is such a delightful little lotus specimen with bright-red flowers and bright-yellow centers!
Brilliant Red
Lotus Planting Instructions
Plant your lotus tuber in an 11 - 20 inch wide, shallow, no holes container. (The smaller the container, the smaller your lotus will grow.) Using loam soil, fill your container 2/3 full of soil. Dig a shallow trench across the surface of the soil and gently place your lotus tuber in the trench. Cover all but the growth tips with an inch of soil, leaving the growth tips exposed. Gently add 2 inches of water above the soil and place your lotus container in a sunny area outdoors. (Lotus need 8 - 12 hours of sunlight to grow and bloom.) Do not fertilize until you have aerial leaves growing out of the water. Once you have aerial leaves you may begin to fertilize your lotus.
Lotus Fertilizing Instructions
Lotus plants are very heavy feeders. Once you have aerial leaves you may begin to fertilize your lotus plants. We recommend a slow release fertilizer like Waterlily World Fertilizer Tabs for optimum growth, best bloom and ease of use. Simply press the fertilizer tabs into the soil near the roots of your lotus plants taking care not to damage the roots. Do this from June through September.
Please see our 'Complete Lotus Guide' included with your lotus purchase!
Category: Bowl, Brilliant Red, Dwarf, Red, Single
Type: Dwarf-Exquisite of Bowl
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