Sold Out $ 53.00
Lotus Plant Description
Bold Protector Lotus is an exquisite lotus with 8 - 10 inch rosy-red flowers with beautiful form and it blooms from June until September. Zac has raved about this lotus since his first year growing it and it is always an early one to sell out! One of the very best hybrids to come out of Ten Mile Creek and we thank Laura Bancroft for her efforts on all her new hybrids but this one is just SPECTACULAR! Wide, flat petals are drenched in bold red color yellow-gold receptacle and yellow stamens along with lush, green foliage make this stellar lotus a standout!
1. Take a 14 inch wide, or wider, shallow container filled with heavy loamy soil (topsoil mixed and or clay soil and some 'play sand' (up to 30%), this mix should hold together if you grab it)
2. Dig a trench with your hand through the soil for the long bottom part of the tuber to be placed in the soil. Now gently place the lotus tuber in the trench and carefully cover in the sections between the growth tips which will remain sticking up above the soil.
3. You may place ONE single stone between two growth tips to prevent the lotus tuber from floating once the pot is submerged.
4. Fill or Submerge your container with just two to four inches of water above the surface of the soil or growth tips.
5. Place in Full Sun, or as close to Full Sun as possible. Lotus need LOTS of sun and room to bloom.
Fertilizing Lotus Plants
Fertilize your lotus plants once you have aerial leaves growing out of the water. We recommend Waterlily World Fertilizer Tabs for optimum growth, best bloom and ease of use. Fertilize your lotus plants from June through September.
Be sure not to use potting soil or anything with organics that will break down quickly or float.
We do NOT fertilize at all when planting lotus or they will burn. Once you have aerial leaves you may fertilize your lotus. We recommend Waterlily World Fertilizer Tabs for best bloom, optimum growth and ease of use.
Many gardeners do not plant their water lotus in adequately wide containers and get few flowers or only leaves because of the cramped growing space. The more room and leaves the plant produces, the more sugar those leaves can produce, and the more flowers in the sunlight the leaves can provide sugar for, along with the proper nutrition.
See our 'Complete Lotus Planting Guide' included with each lotus order!
Type: Dwarf-Medium Lotus
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