Lotus need at least 5+ hours of DIRECT sunlight to grow and bloom. If your lotus is only getting late afternoon sunlight, the rays of the sun might not be strong enough for your lotus to bloom. Try relocating your lotus container to a sunnier spot, making sure to not disturb the tuber or roots. Lotus do not grow indoors & would require a modest full spectrum grow light system.
You should be fertilizing your lotus every three weeks during the growing/blooming season with pond tablets or other aquatic fertilizer as we direct. (See How and when to properly Fertilize your new lotus plants)
Fertilizer may be too high in Nitrogen or lack micro-nutrients. Lotus need a proper fertilizing schedule. We have a full page on the best fertilizers and schedule. A slow release aquatic plant fertilizer is a great choice as fast release fertilizers can burn the lotus. (See How and when to properly Fertilize your new lotus plants)
Pot width too narrow for lotus size (see How to plant a Lotus guide). Lotus need many leaves before making enough sugar to create buds. The first 3 items help you prepare the plant to make leaves properly but the amount of space in width you give a lotus can mean the difference between 0 flowers a year, 1 or 2 flowers, or 20-30 flowers in a pot per year. Wider is always better. Each plant is listed by max height bowl, dwarf, medium, tall. Each size has a minimum recommended pot width.
Lotus are shallow water plants. It is most important when first planting they they are as shallow as possible. They can often be moved to a slightly lower level once they have matured. In a pond you can leave them on the shelf overwinter, do not sink them. Outside a pond there are alternate wintering techniques from norther plant zones 3 through 7.
1Bowl Lotus (14 inches tall)
Plant 1-3 inches below water surface
2Dwarf Lotus (36 inches tall)
Plant 2-5 inches below water surface
3Medium Lotus (36-48 inches tall)
Plant 2-7 inches below water surface
After mature can handle 5-10 inches
4Tall/Large Lotus (48-80 inches tall)
Plant 3-8 inches below water surface
After mature can handle 8- 15 inches
Our guide on when it is safe to fertilize the lotus please see;
When to Fertilize a new Lotus page
When planting lotus, plant from tubers, not seeds. Only tubers are identical copies of the parent hybrid varieties. For full information and guides on the following...
Seeds vs Tubers
Preparing Soil for Lotus
When do you want to start a tuber?
Divide, Replant overgrown pot, more!
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