1.) SEEDS-The seeds from a lotus seed head can be eaten when they are green and they will have a sweet flavor and can be eaten like peas. If you wait until the seeds begin to turn brown, the seeds will have a nuttier taste. The seeds can be ground into paste and used to make pastries. Seeds can also be ground into flour for use in baking.
2.) TUBERS-Lotus tubers are similar to sweet potatoes.The tubers can be used in a multiple of ways, sliced, pickled, cooked, candied or stir-fried. Space Lotus 36 is an excellent lotus for producing tubers!
3.) LEAVES AND STEMS- Leaves or stems of the lotus can be eaten raw or cooked.
4.) FLOWERS- Flowers can be dried and used in recipes for cooking.
All parts of the lotus have been used for medicinal purposes for several ailments. It has been used as an antidote for mushroom poisoning as well as teas, tonics and astringents.
Lotus Are A Great Source of Protein
Lotus are a good source of protein and are grown in Asia as a sacred offering, food staple, as well as for their ornamental beauty. Native Americans used lotus (Nelumbo Lutea) as a mainstay in their diet for centuries. In Thailand, the Thai name for Lotus is 'Bua'. In India, the Indian word for Lotus is 'Kamal', which also means perfection. In Vietnamese the word 'Sen' is the word for Lotus. The lotus is used as a sacred offering in the temples, as an ornamental flower/plant and as an edible vegetable in many parts of the world.
When planting lotus as an edible vegetable, never plant in containers. Lotus need a lot of room to produce tubers, always plant them directly in a large area. A large, shallow pond makes a great growing bed, rather than containers, to produce large tubers. Be sure to choose a variety that is known for being cultivated for sizable tubers rather than flowers, which often may have smaller tubers.
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