1.) All lotus are shallow water plants.
2.) There are only two species of lotus, the first being from the North American Nelumbo Lutea, and the second from multi continents, Nelumbo Nucifera. Nelumbo Lutea is a yellow lotus and Nelumbo Nucifera is pink. Nelumbo Nucifera is also the Sacred Lotus
3.) All hybrids come from these two species, Nelumbo Lutea and Nelumbo Nucifera.
4.) No blue hybrid exists. Blue lotus is highly sought and desired, but not possible with the available species.
5.) Before plant classifications existed, there was confusion over a blue waterlily (caerulean nymphaea). This waterlily species and other blue waterlilies can be found on our website pondmegastore.com This waterlily was known as the Egyptian Lotus or Blue Lotus, and not a lotus at all.
6.) You can grow lotus from seed or by tubers, we think tubers are preferable as you will know exactly what hybrid characteristics you will be growing. The only two species you can grow from seed and know what the plant will look like are are Nelumbo Lutea or Nelumbo Nucifera. Lotus grown from hybrid seeds will not have the characteristics of the parent plant.
7.)The lotus is one of the most highly researched plants in the world
8.) All parts of the lotus plant are edible and considered a staple in some countries
9.) The lotus leaf has natural cleaning properties and is called "The Lotus Effect" or ultrahydrophobicity.
10.) Lotus leaves are waterproof
11.) Lotus have been at the core of many spiritual beliefs, especially Hinduism and Buddhism.
12.) A lotus seed can remain viable for centuries
13.) Lotus tubers should be planted in the month of May, preferably outdoors in strong sunlight
14.) It is important that tubers are not disturbed once they break dormancy
What you will need:
1.) Wide, shallow container
2.) Heavy loam soil
3.) Water
4.) Lotus tuber
5.) Full sun
6.) Slow release fertilizer
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